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Why Madth Productions exists

Madth Productions began as a hobby. A way to cope with the stresses and struggles of 2020... But it quickly evolved into something far more important. On my journey from DM, to Miniature Painter, to Playset Crafter, and now Battlemap Maker, there has always been one constant-
Every community I've come across has welcomed me with love, kindness, and a genuine desire to help.
From the Goblins of Mordor, to Quokka Brain Crafting. Places like JNJ Tabletop, and Mighty Lancer Games. I don't know if those people will ever see this, but this exists because of them.
Madth Productions stands for the belief that every dream can be accomplished.
All it takes is a great deal of love, some friends to help you out, and a little pinch of MAD THinking.

Meet The Team: Welcome

About Madth Productions

This all started because I found my way to Michael Mordor, Goblin King of the Goblins of Mordor... and my life was changed. And we are still only getting started...


Join Madth Productions on Patreon for more exclusives, discounts, behind the scenes, and more!


...And join the Goblins of Mordor Patreon for the highest quality TTRPG Painted Miniatures on the other side of the pond!


Meet The Team: About Us

The Madth Productions Team

OG Clydeheads

Gamer Mom Luna

Creator/Host of Tales from the Tavern

Luna is the creator and host of Tales from the Tavern, the epic TTRPG talk show where chat asks the questions! She's worked on the best selling title "Villiangers" on DM's Guild, and has been a player or guest on more than 20 TTRPG streams and podcasts. She is a TTRPG enthusiast, playing for over 10 years. She also is a knitter, photographer, voiceover artist, animal lover, and single mom of one teenager and two cats.


I, Madth, have been fortunate to both be a fiend of Luna, and a guest on her show. She is an amazing person, and a truly incredible contributor in our ttrpg community. I am very honored to work with such an exceptional talent.


Morgan Casey

Lead 3D Sculptor

The Man


Tim aka Tharivol's Fictions and Fantasies

Sponsored Painter

The Father of Dragons


Michael Mordor

Sponsored Painter

The Goblin King

Meet The Team: Meet The Team

Madth Productions Sponsored Miniature Painter

The Goblin King, Michael Mordor

Meet The Team: About Us

Official 3D Sculptor for Madth Productions

Morgan Casey

Meet The Team: About Us

Madth Productions Sponsored Miniature Painter

Tharivol's Fictions and Fantasies, Tim

Meet The Team: About Us

Madth Productions Sponsored Content Creator

Gamer Mom Luna

Meet The Team: About Us

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Indianapolis, IN, USA

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©2020 by Madth Productions. Proudly created with


Special Credits to: CartYoun and RPGApparel for logo designs

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